The Message of the Web's medium

The message going through the web medium is simple: knowledge.

Since the origins of the web, its main objective was to transmit information across different geographical points. Therefore, the data going trough undersea cables or orbital satellites today means all the knowledge that we share among each other. The missing variable of that equation is what defines knowledge.

Once we use the web to do many of our needs, knowledge is many times embedded on things that we don't realize. Every time we share a post, we are delivering a little piece of information to our friends, followers, or audience. Pictures, feelings, songs, memes, or whatever other form of posting is releasing some information about ourselves. Isn't that some sort of knowledge? Yes. Also, knowledge can always contain positive or negative material. If I use the web to share pictures of my daily life, from cats to good moments, there is positivity on it. The same way that if I blog about hate on immigrants or post videos of people dying on traffic, we see the opposite. All of these can be considered the knowledge; or the message on the medium.

It falls on we, web users, the responsibility to be naive about our knowledge. The more we use for spreading positive and constructive information, the more we will be able to expand our knowledge. On the contrary, the medium will become another tool to deprive ourselves from our wisdom. 


  1. Really thoughtful! You are right... the message is all the knowledge we share!


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