Danielle's Mood Board and Other things

Follow me: @danielleallyssa

Revised Mood Board

   I created a few art boards in Illustrator of idea for my blog. I didn't receive a lot of feedback during the last class due to the projector malfunctioning, which is unfortunate. I would have love more critique and opinions. 

   I did get some preference to which color scheme would work well on my blog. Everyone seemed to lean towards the teal and green color scheme. So, what  I narrowed down the color scheme to blues, greens, grays and some tans, though I would prefer to work with white.

   I added my resume as a reference to what I'm basing my blog on. I redesigned my resume this summer and was very happy with results. My idea is that this style of grayscale and scientific plant illustrations can be part of my branding. So, I would like to apply similar  style to my blog.

   I decided that I want to use photo blocks to organize the post on the start page and use normal formatting for the actual blog posts. I also love the idea of using large banners at the top of the web page with minimalist style photography. 

   I decided on a few font ideas for the blog as well. Montserrat and Lato are my two favorites. I would mostly use those in the headings, subheadings and body of each page. I was looking at fonts like Sacramento, Multicolore and Gabriela for the title text of the website or the banner text. I wanted something a little more creative than the san serif that I would be working with, but still working into the theme or my site.

Chrome Experiments

These are the experiments that I found to be interesting.


I think this would be really interesting to add to a website. It would make sense to use it with the website name, but you could probably do so much more with it. You could model animations and other things like that. 


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