Dev Diner Issues: Elon Musk

In the Issue #41 on the Dev Diner website there was a link redirecting to an interview with one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world – he is the CEO of Tesla and owns a spaceship agency company, SapceX. 

In the discussion among many topics, he mentions how simulations and reality are becoming more and more indistinguishable from each other. He is concerned about the use of Artificial Intelligence and is watching it closely. He invested on one AI in California company just to watch over its outcomes rather than for profit. He is afraid other leaders in the industry won't be as careful as he is and will end up using their advanced resources for wrong purposes. 

I think is interesting that a person with such knowledge and power on his hands cares about the future of technology. I think he is right that we should be making sure our virtual escapes and simulations don't take over our real life, this would defy the purpose of human existence. 

It's no wonder the interview says he plans to send people to Mars by 2024. 


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