
Showing posts from May, 2017

medium # 12 last post I discussed the possible implications of already used AI systems within the justice system. Now the university of Bostin has been working on robots that can walk and traverse difficult terrain on their own. This scares some people and has pushed a specific group to ban unmanned weaponized robots.

medium # 11 the current justice system utilizes juries and a judge in order to prosecute the guilty. However, in some areas, there is an AI in place making the decisions. without any emotion attached to an AI one would think saying all the pros and cons would benefit the trial greatly. I, however, am worried about the justice system if it to is taken over by AI.

medium # 10 after the release of the nintendo switch and breath of the wild, I found that the company made a lot of money off of it. This company points out a few incompetencies with the company and how it may improve.

medium post #9 optogenetics is a sort of modification to our brain and the way it interacts with our body. It is an interesting and relatively new field that delves into the possibility of giving us a 6th sense.

medium post # 8

I found it really interesting to discuss the criminal justice system within online jurisdiction

Web url

Portfolio Update Mainly focused on making the modal to work on my home page

Medium After reading this, I realized that a lot of what is said is true but a lot of it is also untrue. I know people who are incredibly successful in their startups who have followed some of the things on this list but have also done the complete opposite of whats on this list.

Medium This article embodies the fact that anyone in the web track for DMD should be learning JavaScript as it is becoming more and more prevalent in the field. This also shows that times are changing and Java will most likely be faded out or taken over by JavaScript.

Medium After reading this article, I feel like this is true for almost every topic out there. I also feel like this class really sealed the fundamentals and started the bridge over to design and adding JavaScript elements to make our websites more interactive and fun.

Medium Quick and fun read on some cool products you should have your work space. While I have some of these, I definitely feel like I need more items that are on the list.


I've uploaded all the code to GitHub and uploaded the website to GitHub pages. There is an issue with GitHub pages, it is not displaying whether there is a holiday or not however all the files required are on GitHub and it works when I run the website locally. Here is the link:

Portfolio Site My portfolio site is essentially done! Chrome seems to have issues with the geolocation features but I have gotten both the date and map to display correctly on my end. I also didn't intend to reroute the video through YouTube but the file size was too large for a GitHub commit. Everything else should be up and running!

Medium Post Why writing is the most important and often overlooked aspect of design.

Medium Post Confronting bias in design we are not always fully aware of.

Medium Post Listening is a very underrated aspect of design.

Medium Post #11

This  Medium Post  holds suggestions for advancing one's web building skills. This could prove handy for anyone trying to further their skill set. I know I need to work on my coding for sure

Medium Post #10

After reading this  article , it came to my attention that whenever someone gets a notification on their phone, their attention goes to it even if for a split second. It must be because the user must be so curious about when popped up on their device.

Medium Post #9

In this article , it poses the question " What makes a coder stand out?".The work they would have done. However, it's hard to produce original groundbreaking content these days. This article shows that sometimes you just gotta keep going for jobs nonstop until you finally make a name for yourself.

Medium Post #8

In this article , A.I. is once again touched upon.  With the thought of A.I. becoming such an issue, do we have a plan in case they do rebel against us? If so, does that plan include tech that involves other A.I.? We rely on a computer to do things for us when in the end, they may just cause our downfall.

Medium Post #7

In this  article , it talks about Google not being on top anymore. To think of a world without Google is crazy. It makes me wonder what other search engine would take control as the #1 engine. Would they have great tech as well?