This Semesters Game Plan , Emanuel Z Arceo

     Last semester most of my energy was focused on learning the basics to html, css.  I also fiddled a bit with responsive web. I built up a portfolio website which I plan to further enhance. This semester I plan to create a new, full functional site. It would be a website dedicated for my families log cabins that are up for rent in the Mazamitla, Mexico ( a vibrant tourist destination). I plan to mimic that of a hotel website where users could pay online, book nights,view pictures, and guides for tourists.
So as a whole I have 3 things I have to get done before creating the site.

1) Dive into Jon Duckett's book  "Learning Java Script and Jquery" so I can get a better grasp of interactive design.
2) Brush up on my html and css skills by also reading Jon Duckett's book "Learning Html and Css"

3) Along side this I plan to begin the early design stages for the website.


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