Matthew's Grand Proposal

This semester I will learn Javascript using CodeAcademy. I have already designed a portfolio website using Html and Css using Github, but it wasn't very impressive or interactive. Therefore, not only will I learn Javascript, but also advance my knowledge of Html and Css. I hope that in learning Javascript I will be able to create a website that is both interactive and visually impressive. I hate it when I go to a website that feels clunky or packed with lots of text and is just boring to look at because it feels like a lengthy textbook with no pictures. I want companies and viewers to instantly be impressed when they visit my website and would like them to be able to interact and connect with my website. My ultimate goal in designing my website is to create a portfolio of all my art work from High School through College to showcase my growth as an Artist and Student. I hope I am able to make this information visually interesting as well as understandable. By accomplishing this goal I will be able to add to my portfolio at anytime and be able to reference this portfolio so that anybody including myself could see my growth as an Artist.


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