a little about me (bao-anh tran)

Hi guys! My name is Bao-Anh Tran and I'm a sophomore currently looking to focus on web design, but am also exploring other avenues in maybe film production and or animation. I hope that in this class, I can push myself to take more initiative with what I want to learn and come out with functional, completed products. 

The Type Snob

One of the medium posts I found to be particularly interesting was about being a "font snob" as I am someone who particularly enjoys typography. The article begins by talking about what the difference is between font and typeface, and then goes on to list some important tips regarding all things font relateddeciding between a serif or sans-serif typeface, avoiding using more than two typefaces, balancing line spacing and font size, keeping line length around 45-90 characters, using a modular scale, and paying attention to particular punctuation nuances. One of the small things he mentioned that bothers him when he sees it being misused is the - and a —; and he goes on to explain how important it is to distinguish them and when to use them. Overall, I found the article to be an interesting and entertaining read. 

Ocean WebGL

When looking through the three.js examples I was immediately drawn towards the ones with lots of texture and movement. These two js examples are ocean textures that I think would look very cool not just in a game, but also as a potential backdrop for anything on the web. It allows the user to adjust things like the choppiness of the waves, the direction of sunlight, the direction of wind, and overall exposure. Very calming to look at and could add a little extra something to a site or game. 


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