
Showing posts from January, 2017

Updated Proposal

For this semester my main goal is to learn JavaScript. To do this I plan on creating a website that essentially tells you if todays date is the date of a religious event. There used to be a website that used to do this but it is no longer working. If there is no religious event, it just says there is not religious event today and thats all. If there is a religious event, I would like for some sort of animation to appear, then have it say what event it is and have some information regarding that event appear. I am also planning on building an app parallel to this that does the same thing and also sends you a push notification on the days of the events. I plan on having weekly or biweekly updates regarding this.

This Semesters Game Plan , Emanuel Z Arceo

     Last semester most of my energy was focused on learning the basics to html, css.  I also fiddled a bit with responsive web. I built up a portfolio website which I plan to further enhance. This semester I plan to create a new, full functional site. It would be a website dedicated for my families log cabins that are up for rent in the Mazamitla, Mexico ( a vibrant tourist destination). I plan to mimic that of a hotel website where users could pay online, book nights,view pictures, and guides for tourists. So as a whole I have 3 things I have to get done before creating the site. 1) Dive into Jon Duckett's book  "Learning Java Script and Jquery" so I can get a better grasp of interactive design. 2) Brush up on my html and css skills by also reading Jon Duckett's book "Learning Html and Css" 3) Along side this I plan to begin the early design stages for the website.

Matthew's Grand Proposal

This semester I will learn Javascript using CodeAcademy. I have already designed a portfolio website using Html and Css using Github, but it wasn't very impressive or interactive. Therefore, not only will I learn Javascript, but also advance my knowledge of Html and Css. I hope that in learning Javascript I will be able to create a website that is both interactive and visually impressive. I hate it when I go to a website that feels clunky or packed with lots of text and is just boring to look at because it feels like a lengthy textbook with no pictures. I want companies and viewers to instantly be impressed when they visit my website and would like them to be able to interact and connect with my website. My ultimate goal in designing my website is to create a portfolio of all my art work from High School through College to showcase my growth as an Artist and Student. I hope I am able to make this information visually interesting as well as understandable. By accomplishing this goal...

Semester Proposal

Due to a lack of practice in coding, I got very rusty with HTML/CSS.  Therefore one of my goals for this semester is to refamiliarize myself with HTML/CSS by doing the tutorial on code academy and w3school.  I was not very proud with my first responsive portfolio page I build from Web Design I a few semester ago, so I would like to make a new fully responsive webpage that is fluid, modern, and maybe make it interactive by the 8th week of the semester.  After completing the portfolio page, I think I might want to work with someone on their project

Semester Proposal (Bao-Anh)

I'm hoping that this semester I can continue to sharpen my skills in HTML and CSS, and concurrently learning JS through Code Academy. I have been inspired by sites like  and  to create a sort of interactive music video that is heavy in visuals and sound. I'm not sure if I have the skills to pull something like this off, but generally, I am looking to create a site with a clean interface and some added interactivity through JS.

Book Bundle Link

This is the book Bundle that has been mentioned in class. I highly recommend getting them, they are super helpful. Emily Serven also recommends using them (She's one of DMD's go to Web Dev) Bundle (Highly Recommend) HTML & CSS Javascript & JQuery Cool Beans.

Project Proposal

     This semester my objective is to increase my rusty knowledge of HTML/CSS and JavaScript. I haven't coded that much so I plan to reinforce my coding basics through CodeAcademy in the first couple of weeks of class. After I am comfortable coding, I plan create a simple web based game using a HTML5/JavaScript based game engine called Phaser(; an engine i have some previous experience in. Every week I will give updates of my progress.


I took a web design class before and i learned the basics of html/css. I plan on perfecting my skills in html /css  via creating my portfolio website. After i become confident in html/css i plan on exploring java script .

Arturo J. LaĆ­nez Proposal (Spring 2017)

Semester Proposal This semester my main interest is in learning javascript and efficiently adding it to my arsenal along with HTML & CSS. I want to explore advanced techniques used in CSS to make fluid websites and  to build fully functional portfolio sites. I will use the book created by John Duckett , along with code academy and code camp to improve my skills. My long term goal is to begin using Data, D3js, Chart.js to make interactive graphs. XD

Project Proposal - Audio

I have a much better understanding of HTML and CSS after taking Web Design I, and while I will still be looking at sites like CodeAcademy to continue learning about them, I want to primarily focus on Javascript this semester, and end the semester having created a web application, or at least the basis for one. I have an interest in music and graphic design, so it would be awesome to work on an application that involves audio and visuals.  It would be cool to create some sort of art project similar to the interactive website that went along with Helios' album Yumi that I found on threejs.  I plan on looking into Tone.js once I become more comfortable with Javascript, and then I also wanna take a look at Gibber.

Goals for this semester

For this semester my main goal is to learn JavaScript. I am taking the intro to app development course and I would like to create a website for the app I am creating. As of right now, I am planning to revamp a very basic game that has not been touched since 2010. So ideally I'd like to create a website talking about the game and create a web version. However this is all subject to change so my main goal is learning JavaScript and applying it towards s fun website.

Web Proposal

Background:I took web design like 1 1/2 years ago. and i primarily focus on game design. Using the unity engine.       I Want to spend the next couple of weeks creating a portfolio to host games i create so jobs can look at it. I want my website to feature a playable game so I want to look into making a java script game probably by playing around with phaser io a java script game engine that helps make games using their library or by making games with unity and recording the level layout.

Website Proposal

For background experience, I have made a few simple pages from scratch with HTML/CSS and a slight amount of JavaScript. This semester I am focusing on using JavaScript with a variety of libraries and frameworks. I would really like to create a chat room in which users can embed links and images, in real time if possible. Though this seems like a simple concept, I think it could be quite a challenge. Upon completing that goal, I would like to see if I can add user profiles or other rooms. If it doesn't work out then I would like to make a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) where people can make sound and music entirely in a browser. It would most likely consist of a very basic synthesizer and sequencer. If possible, I would like users to be able to upload and use their own sounds and samples and save their work.


This semester, I plan to direct my efforts towards building a web app that will make my daily/work life easier in a small way. I'm anticipating a need to familiarize myself with nodejs and to strengthen my javascript skills in order to pull off the following idea. My vision for this project is to create an email assistant app. Ideally, the app's function would be to index past emails and generate future emails based on a chosen topic. So it's easier to understand, consider the following: think of the app as taking sounds from an already existing song by "searching" through the song for the desired instrument, then developing your own song out of the chosen instruments into a totally new song. But with email. I'd love to hear any feedback, even if you want to tell me it's a stupid idea. I obviously have a great disdain for writing emails so I'm hoping I can find a way to make this work. 

thomas davies proposal,

I plan to utilize my skills in order to create a better website for myself to show to potential employers. My website needs to be updated and should show several different methods i can use and create a well coded and designed website. I want to link this to other projects I have completed and use sliders more effectively. in order to do this i will go through code academy to revisit any old bits of languages i may have forgotten from lesser use. in order to do this I will read through an html and css text book giving weekly updates on chapters. I will additionally once I have my site updated work with javascript in order to create and load other flashgames onto it. I will - read 2 chapters in the text book per week, and apply atleast 30 mins to an hour perday on my website with knowledge i gain from each chapter - once done i want to add things such as links and jpgs

Semester Proposal

HTML, CSS, & JavaScript are the programming languages that I'd like to develop a firm foundation with through CodeCademy. Web Design I revealed to me my shortcomings and the areas that I lacked any solid background on. Despite having basic knowledge in HTML & CSS, I require more practice in understanding the syntax. Furthermore, my knowledge in JavaScript seems to be all but depleted due to my inability to incorporate any form of it in last semester's website project. I plan on producing weekly reports and examples of what I learn in HTML & CSS until I know I'm comfortable in that area. After gaining a strong foothold in those languages I will learn JavaScript in hopes of using Superpower, a HTML 5 and JavaScript powered game engine to produce a simple game that can be run on web browsers.

Arturo's Mood Board and Twitter

Hello! My twitter account is: Artiechoke_X I've had this account for a while, but i'm not active on twitter. This is my Mood board. The original mood board had many more colors and did not have any any fonts. I've narrows my colors to the top four as my main colors, and yellow as a highlight color. I'm trying to create a website that has an "earthy" feel to it.

Project Proposal

Ben's Proposal Background : When I took Web Design 1, the main focus of learning was HTML & CSS. I learned the basics of both, and how to apply them when developing websites, (which we did in class). In class the professor had us do all of our work using ATOM, and Code Academy. Objective: My first goal with Advanced Web Dev is to further expand my knowledge and skill set with web development. I have chosen to focus first on Java Script, as my understand is that it is essential to know. Working with my background in music as well as my current involvement in Sound Design I have decided to use EarSketch to learn the fundamentals of Java Script. Short Term Goals: My short term goals involve getting familiar with the learning process of EarSketch and starting to become comfortable with the basics of Java Script. In addition I hope to gain some knowledge in music as well. Long Term Goals: By the time I finish the EarSketch program, I hope to have sufficient experien...

Banning Trump from twitter article

Im not really much of a political person person but this article has me thinking if Trump really should be banned from using twitter because of the messages he sends out. I think we should leave him on twitter because it allows people to see how this man really thinks about the things that happen around him instead of him dressing it up in front of a news camera. It lets others try to respond to his messages to understand his view points a little more. Even if he is banned from twitter that brings America down a little on pride that we had to ban our own president that we voted for off of a social media platform other countries will just look down on us a little bit more than they already do. I mean if people really do feel offended by Donald then click the block button easy as that.

Benjamin Greenfield Intro Post

Hello, My Name is Benjamin and I am entering my senior year in the Digital Media and Design Program. While I am on the Business Strategies track my focus is on the creative arts, more specifically Motion Graphics and Video DJing. My background in classical music, technology and the arts has helped shape the work and drive I have today. I am passionate and driven when I work, but never forget to go out, socialize and have a good time with friends.

intro to thomas davies

My name is Thomas davies, i have lots of experience with some web design and several coding languages I hope to apply them to real world accounts by creating programs. I found this article very interesting in that I have heard a lot of bias opinions on buzzfeed. Apperently they claim to be a "news source" they published an unconfirmed article as fact without doing any further fact checking. this is a really fun game I found on threej's.  This game is a 3d first person shooter which has really creative graphics and settings. The scenario is full of unique creatures and I believe rather than going for a premise they wanted to test out what they could do.

Joey Introduction

    My name is Esdras Brutus, I like to go by Joey. I'm a junior and my concentration is in the Game Design track. I love gaming and want to become a Game Designer/ Game Developer. I have little coding experience with HTML/CSS, C#, and Java. I hope to learn more coding and transfer that to my game development. I read the article

Steve McLoughlin blogger1

Hey this is Steve. This is my third year in DMD and I've decided to go with the web/interactive contentration. I got into this stuff through my father who sells Sun/Oracle servers and from using audio programs for music production. There's more to life than data. : This article points out the importance of relying on your instinct or gut for ideas rather than the facts of data. In world where data is constantly being collected and analyzed, people are always making important decisions based on the result but it might not always be the best choice. It is necessary to remember that in digital media and computing in general there is always a space between 0 and 1, the human mind. RiftSketch is actually something I came across before and found it fascinating how people can manipulate a virtual environment in real time from within. I could see this method being part of every digital designer's workflow in the future.

About Me/Medium/Threejs

Hello Everyone, My name is Ka Kin Ng (Andy).  I am an undergraduate currently studying 3D animation for my concentration.  I have only taken one web design course 2 or 3 semesters ago.  I wouldn't say I have a greatest interest in any types of coding just because I have a extremely difficult time understanding codes.  I only know the basics of html and css.  I have tried learning java scripts because of engineering, but still don't have a clear understanding of the codes.  What I overall hope to learn from this class is to be able to have a better understanding of coding and build a webpage to display some of my works (pretty much a portfolio). Medium When I was scrolling though, I came across this article about Dungeon and Dragons and it just sparked my interest just because I and my friends actually just started to play D&D about 6 months ago. ...

Artie's Intro Post

Hello! My name is Arturo Lainez, but most people call me Artie. I'm a junior majoring in DMD, Strategies for Business track. I have a positive outlook on live, and try to have fun. As you will notice, I love to contribute to class! I had to drop all my classes due to a family emergency, but I'm back and excited to get code! I'm a novice coder, but I'm a quick study and I have an affinity for web(I think). This semester I'm hoping to explore more CSS, and to become familiar with Javascript. Outside of Web, I'm looking to work on as many projects as I can this semester. I started the semester working on a small video project (a series of mini interviews), and trying to keep busy with all things digital. I love to eat and just started going to the gym(again). I hope to have a fun semester, and I hope to get to know those that I haven't met yet, and to deepen my established relationships with y'all. I'm also a messy writer and I am working on that. ...

Stephen Rozo Intro

Hey, this is Stephen. I transferred into DMD last semester and now on the business track. I really enjoy tech, but I'm particularly interested in programming. I really enjoyed coding a personal website in web 1 because it allowed me to apply the programming skills I already had and figure out how to make a simple concept unique. Outside of school I spend free time experimenting with different projects using html, css, python, and javascript   (all self taught so most likely a few holes in my skills). Nevertheless, I plan to develop a web app that would make my life easier in some way so I look forward to applying my class time for development, getting familiar with new frameworks, and collaborating with anyone with a similar vision.
Hey, My name is Erick and my concentration in DMD is Game Design. I am very much looking forward to this course. What I hope to gain from this experience is to build a job ready portfolio for jobs to look at. I want it to be aesthetically nice and responsive as possible. I also want to see if this course will help me learn java so i can make a java based game to display on this website.


Hey I'm Jasneet! Im interested in becoming a web and app developer. In this class I hope to learn some javascript as it is a core language in both web and app development. I'm also interested in film and potentially animation (I've never done it before). Overall from this class I hope that I takeaway some javascript skills and have fun. Medium: "The end of Traffic" Before reading the article and just seeing the title and the thumbnail image I knew that this would be about carpooling and self driving cars. Both of which I think we need to improve on and happen soon. While reading the article I liked the idea of "smart lanes" however I feel as though something similar is already implemented in many states, carpool lanes. Now if these smart lanes were only for public vehicles and electric cars I think it would be much better. It would make people wanted to purchase an electric ...

1/17-1/19 Blog Post: Intro/Medium/ThreeJS

Intro Hello everyone~! ^w^ My name is Chloe and I am MtF transgender (male to female). I've been going through with HRT since the beginning of last semester and with the encouragement of some friends decided to come out this semester. My pronouns are she/her/hers and I hope to get along with everyone. \^o^/ My experience in Web Design isn't that in depth, minus the Web Design class I took this past semester. However, I used to be knowledgeable and proficient in HTML, CSS & JavaScript back in high school; my hopes this time around improving and polishing the current state of those languages. As someone in the Game Design track I kind of batted a blind eye to Web Design, but now I've been seeing the importance and how I can use it not only to improve myself in my field but incorporate it as an invaluable asset. Medium Tyler Waite, co-founder of Holos, makes a very important point about VR: we shouldn...

a little about me (bao-anh tran)

Hi guys! My name is Bao-Anh Tran and I'm a sophomore currently looking to focus on web design, but am also exploring other avenues in maybe film production and or animation. I hope that in this class, I can push myself to take more initiative with what I want to learn and come out with functional, completed products.  The Type Snob 3bxhv5pn  One of the medium posts I found to be particularly interesting was about being a "font snob" as I am someone who particularly enjoys typography. The article begins by talking about what the difference is between font and typeface, and then goes on to list some important tips regarding all things font related — deciding between a  serif or sans-serif typeface, avoiding using more than two typefaces, balancing line spacing and font size, keeping line length around 45-90 characters, using a modular scale, and paying attention to particular punctuation nuances. One of the...

[Insert Name Here]

INTRODUCTION Hey! So I'm Jon and I am a Junior DMD student pursuing a track in Strategies for Business.  I'm really into digital designing, music, and films so I definitely want to create more content this year, especially to add more content to my portfolio.  I'm also interested in journalism and work with the school's publication 1UPL.  I'm currently looking for an internship that's digital media related as well as opportunities related to publication.  Anyway, it should be a pretty interesting class, and I'm hoping to be able to create a web app, or at least start the base for one by the end of the semester.    MEDIUM Forgetting What I’ve Heard: Why I Miss Buying Music Streaming music versus buying music has been an interesting topic and while some people are still on the fence about it (I used to be one of those people), the transition towards streaming is growing, and may very well outdo buying music altogether.  I thought that have a...

Introduction / Medium Post / Threejs - Advanced Web Design - Matthew Castillo

Hello everyone, My name is Matthew Castillo, I am interested in Web Design mainly because I want to learn how to code with Javascript as I have never coded in that language before. I have taken 2 other web design courses both were sort of borderline intro classes where I picked up some Html/Css coding skills. Anyway, what I hope to get from this class is a comfortability with coding so that I may use those skills and apply them to a real world sense such as within the Gaming Industry (an industry I am passionate to be a part of, because I have always dreamed of being a Video Game Designer/Developer).   Medium How Designers Engineer Luck Into Video Games In this article I learned about how Video Game designers implement luck into video games and basically what seems to be luck isn't really "luck" because some games are designed to increase your luck mathematically the more you lo...


Hi Everyone Please introduce yourself and share about your interests and experiences in Web Design and possibly your career trajectory so we may get to know you better. In addition, as i asked please go ahead and join  and post an article that interests you so when we meet Thursday and discuss the media climate for web development we can see what you are looking at. Also i asked that you visit and look/choose a chrome experiment that pertains to your interests so we can deconstruct what is going on in the experiment and see what it might take to create it. if you want you can also try the and test it on your machine and reflect about what is going on both technically and emotionally for you, if you had that type of response.,+1600+Pennsylvania+Ave+NW,+Washington,+DC+20500,+USA Chrome in my office worked MUCH better than the machine in the lab. see you t...