the web is full of creativity

There are many people that believe the web has turned into a boring collection of copied interfaces and designs.  However, the real boring web designs are those in brochure style format, meaning that they are showing off a product or business.  Apple, for instance, uses brochure web design for their products, show casing them on their site will little interactivity - opting to choose user predictability and accessibility, over the creative potential the web has to offer.  Websites have been made to tailor to user needs, which has stifled innovation as many websites adapt to.  However, the internet is full with rich content despite this adopted style by many companies.  For example, the entire ThreeJS library has an every growing amount of content of interactive web designs that are accessible right from the browser. The web has so many possibilities that we can keep adapting and improving the websites that we have to make more creative, interactive ones in the future.



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