Medium Post - Comparing Beat Making to Html/Css

I came across a very interesting article that compares the process of making a Hip - Hop beat to creating a web page using Html/Css, The article was called "How making hundreds of hip hop beats helped me understand HTML and CSS". The comparisons made started with the structure of creating a website. It talked about how with Html you provide a structure to the web page you want to create using syntax like <html>, <head>, <body>, and <footer>. This structure provides the content that will be styled afterward using CSS. In beat making it is very similar the drums provide the backbone the "structure" to the beat and therefore houses the sound that will be styled later when other sounds are added to it. The article also talks about adding a virtual instrument to the beat just like you would add a JQuery plug-in to enhance the page. Several other comparisons are made in the article that are very interesting to look at because it makes you think how two very seemingly different things are actually more alike than what is initially perceived. Here is a link to this Medium Article:

-Have a read yourself and see how you can relate Html/CSS (web design) to other design concepts.   


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