CLASS TODAY 5% BONUS TODAY **please attend today for special information**

It is essential that we all meet today in person so i am asking that everyone please attend the class for at leat the first portion if you are working on other projects you need to take the time and meet with me.

 I need to discuss something with possible legal ramifications for the WEB APP team that i cannot share online yet so it has to be a personal meeting with the team and then individually with the people continuing their portfolio projects.

You will get a BONUS 5% for attending today. So if you missed something or were shooting for an A+ or an A instead of a B+ today is the day you can do that.

**please attend today for special information**

**please attend today for special information****please attend today for special information****please attend today for special information****please attend today for special information****please attend today for special information**

**please attend today for special information**
**please attend today for special information**



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