
Showing posts from 2017

medium # 12 last post I discussed the possible implications of already used AI systems within the justice system. Now the university of Bostin has been working on robots that can walk and traverse difficult terrain on their own. This scares some people and has pushed a specific group to ban unmanned weaponized robots.

medium # 11 the current justice system utilizes juries and a judge in order to prosecute the guilty. However, in some areas, there is an AI in place making the decisions. without any emotion attached to an AI one would think saying all the pros and cons would benefit the trial greatly. I, however, am worried about the justice system if it to is taken over by AI.

medium # 10 after the release of the nintendo switch and breath of the wild, I found that the company made a lot of money off of it. This company points out a few incompetencies with the company and how it may improve.

medium post #9 optogenetics is a sort of modification to our brain and the way it interacts with our body. It is an interesting and relatively new field that delves into the possibility of giving us a 6th sense.

medium post # 8

I found it really interesting to discuss the criminal justice system within online jurisdiction

Web url

Portfolio Update Mainly focused on making the modal to work on my home page

Medium After reading this, I realized that a lot of what is said is true but a lot of it is also untrue. I know people who are incredibly successful in their startups who have followed some of the things on this list but have also done the complete opposite of whats on this list.

Medium This article embodies the fact that anyone in the web track for DMD should be learning JavaScript as it is becoming more and more prevalent in the field. This also shows that times are changing and Java will most likely be faded out or taken over by JavaScript.

Medium After reading this article, I feel like this is true for almost every topic out there. I also feel like this class really sealed the fundamentals and started the bridge over to design and adding JavaScript elements to make our websites more interactive and fun.

Medium Quick and fun read on some cool products you should have your work space. While I have some of these, I definitely feel like I need more items that are on the list.


I've uploaded all the code to GitHub and uploaded the website to GitHub pages. There is an issue with GitHub pages, it is not displaying whether there is a holiday or not however all the files required are on GitHub and it works when I run the website locally. Here is the link:

Portfolio Site My portfolio site is essentially done! Chrome seems to have issues with the geolocation features but I have gotten both the date and map to display correctly on my end. I also didn't intend to reroute the video through YouTube but the file size was too large for a GitHub commit. Everything else should be up and running!

Medium Post Why writing is the most important and often overlooked aspect of design.

Medium Post Confronting bias in design we are not always fully aware of.

Medium Post Listening is a very underrated aspect of design.

Medium Post #11

This  Medium Post  holds suggestions for advancing one's web building skills. This could prove handy for anyone trying to further their skill set. I know I need to work on my coding for sure

Medium Post #10

After reading this  article , it came to my attention that whenever someone gets a notification on their phone, their attention goes to it even if for a split second. It must be because the user must be so curious about when popped up on their device.

Medium Post #9

In this article , it poses the question " What makes a coder stand out?".The work they would have done. However, it's hard to produce original groundbreaking content these days. This article shows that sometimes you just gotta keep going for jobs nonstop until you finally make a name for yourself.

Medium Post #8

In this article , A.I. is once again touched upon.  With the thought of A.I. becoming such an issue, do we have a plan in case they do rebel against us? If so, does that plan include tech that involves other A.I.? We rely on a computer to do things for us when in the end, they may just cause our downfall.

Medium Post #7

In this  article , it talks about Google not being on top anymore. To think of a world without Google is crazy. It makes me wonder what other search engine would take control as the #1 engine. Would they have great tech as well?

Becoming a Jack of All Trades

How Elon Musk Learns Faster And Better Than Everyone Else “Grow up. Focus on just one field.” “Jack of all trades. Master of none.” There is a misconception that if you study in multiple areas, you will only learn at a surface level and never gain mastery. However, Elon Musk, multi millionaire business, did just that. Owning companies software, energy, transportation and aerospace has made him into a multi-millionaire by his mid-forties. Although we may not have the same work ethic as Musk to work 85-hour work weeks, we can at least take away the value of mastering multiple fields. It can only help if you have a background in multiple fields, making you a more flexible, adaptable, and valuable worker.

Developer Tea Podcast I am a gigantic fan of Developer Tea. I have been hooked onto their podcast ever since the fall of 2016. One of my favorite parts of the podcast are the sections where he interviews specialists of his fields and when he talks about the limitations as a developer. Jonathan emphasizes knowing your limitations and knowing when something is too much, but also knowing to jump into a new language without fear.

Code Academy Progress I made


How I Built an iPhone The video was impressive. Strange Parts give us insights into the difference in the U.S and China markets. The most interesting part for me was how the lady merchant kept track of sales by putting small stickers specific to her market. The increased use of digital payments was also unique and surprising. I never expected a business as lucrative as the illegal phone builds to be so advanced and so forward thinking.

Building a startup? Build an audience, first.

Building a startup? Build an audience, first.  by Ryan Hoover This article explains the importance of building an audience when creating your own start up to ensure greater success when your company launches. Hoover suggests things such as daily blogging/vlogging, podcasting, starting a newsletter, hosting meetups, and so on. Recruiting  💍 When you’re pre-product + pre-traction, it’s difficult to convince anyone (technical or not) to join. User Acquisition 👋🏼 Acquisition is difficult pre AND post-product. Sooner you can de-risk this the better. Research 🕵🏼 Audience-building leads to customer development and a better understanding of who you’re building for.

AOL and Yahoo! Merger This news is relatively old but it will have a huge impact to the tech world. The merger means that to companies with a lot of data on a huge amount of people will be able to exchange the data on users of the different platforms. This is bad news for consumers, who will have their data travel across unknown hands. Data mining like this bring forth a lot of questions about data privacy.

Becoming a Web Developer in 2017

A roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2017 This article outlined the three major paths for the web developers in today's society: Front-end; Back-end; DevOps. Then going into further detail of the different programs a user must learn in their respective paths.
Image LEV MANOVICH: “INSTAGRAM IS A WINDOW INTO PEOPLE’S THOUGHTS AND IMAGINATION” Lev Manovich’s Software Studies Initiative collected and analyzed 2.3 million Instagram images from New York, Tokyo, Bangkok, San-Francisco and eleven other global cities. This allowed the lab to observe the temporal rhythms that define the life of big cities: how different is the life of one city as compared to the other, when does Manhattan go to sleep and when it wakes up, etc. Ahead of his lecture at “Strelka” Institute on June 10, Professor at Graduate Center at The City University of New York (CUNY) Lev Manovich explained to Strelka Magazine what we can learn about human cultures by analyzing Big Data. Photo: — The Verge magazine named you among 50 people who will shape the next 50 years. In what way, do you thi...

CLASS TODAY 5% BONUS TODAY **please attend today for special information**

It is essential that we all meet today in person so i am asking that everyone please attend the class for at leat the first portion if you are working on other projects you need to take the time and meet with me.  I need to discuss something with possible legal ramifications for the WEB APP team that i cannot share online yet so it has to be a personal meeting with the team and then individually with the people continuing their portfolio projects. You will get a BONUS 5% for attending today. So if you missed something or were shooting for an A+ or an A instead of a B+ today is the day you can do that. **please attend today for special information** **please attend today for special information****please attend today for special information****please attend today for special information****please attend today for special information****please attend today for special information** **please attend today for special information** **please attend today for special informati...

Blog Post v6

2017 Web Design Trend Predictions by Bradley Nice As we approach an early midpoint in 2017, there are a few web design trends that will likely blow up.  The most expected trends include mobile first, responsive designs, flat designs, and performance analytics insight.  Many people are beginning to use their phones more than traditional computers and laptops.  I notice it myself - when I want to check for something online, I don't want to wait for my computer to turn on and load.  I crave immediacy, and mobile phones are the medium for that. Having taken web design, I've realized how important and prevalent responsive designs are online.  Being able to have a seamless experience across multiple devices ensures that users don't have to relearn different layouts, and that creates a better experience for users. Flat designs have been seen heavily among major companies re-branding their logos.  Minimalism is playing a heavy role in graphic design where si...

Blog Post v5

Difference between web design and web development by Owen Far When I first started out learning about web development and and web design, I used both terms interchangeably, but as I learned more about both, I was able to realize the distinctions.  Web Design is the layout of a website that integrate the best user experience, and create an appealing environment for users.  They use software to create layout designs and have to keep up with the latest design trends, as well as the aspects of color, typography, and readability.  Web development entails turning the design into a live website.  Front end and back-end developers have to work together to create the backbone, and the face of a website.

Blog Post v4

Become a Web Developer by Bradley Nice This is essentially an infographic on how to become a web developer later in life, but it's definitely a valuable resource as I'm in the early stages of it.  The first step is to get a handle on front end languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), and then you can move on to back-end languages such as Java, Python, and PHP.  Other resources that I have used are Github, Quora, Reddit, and StackOverflow, but there are new ones I'll need to check out such as Hashnode,, and Coderwall.

Blog Post v3

Mastering the Fundamentals by Jonathan Z. White In order to become a master design, there are certain fundamentals you need to follow.  The article lists them as: type, space, size, and color.  These principles relate heavily to the graphic design fundamentals of C.R.A.P. (contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity).  If you combine all of these together, you are able to create a design and bring it to the next level.

Blog Post v2

A Process for Choosing Type by Jonathan Z. White Typography is a very important aspect of web design.  HTML allows for basic text input - thankfully, CSS exists to help revamp the design of bland text.  Interestingly enough, there are certain fonts that are more appropriate based on certain demographics such as age.  Children are more receptive to legible fonts with generous amounts of space.  And seniors respond better to readable sizes, higher contrasting colors, and fonts void of script and decorative styles.  The main principles for choosing fonts are readability, legibility and purpose.  Essentially, font is an important design aspect of any web design.

Blog Post v1

Roadmap to becoming a Web Developer  by Quincy Larson This article illustrates an intricate map of all the components of front and back-end development.  I've realized how I've only brushed the surface of front-end web development with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.  And there's even another part of web development called DevOps that I have never heard of before, so I'm interested in checking it out.

Medium Post

Medium Post

ANOTHER KENDRICK LAMAR POST I read this obviously hysterical post on Kendrick Lamar’s DAMN. And hidden messages within his songs, it feels as these lines that the author points out as “hidden Easter eggs” in the songs are obviously not real but just to poke fun at how people love to interpret things way beyond the margin of what they may actually represent and I see this shit happen on RAPGENIUS all the fucking time. For example, the author writes about the line “ I transform like this / perform like this”   on “DNA,” and says it is a shot at Optimus Prime, the main Transformer, (obviously, Kendrick Lamar wasn’t beefing with a fictional character Optimus Prime) but it shows the extent that niggas reach for when trying to say that a rapper’s line means something more than it actually does. This is the tendency most people have especially on Rapgenius they like to interpret shit like” The Sky is Blue” and say “Oh the rapper obviously meant the Sky is blue, blue is sadness, the sky...

Medium Post - Internet I found this article to be both interesting and unsettling. The article is expressing that the open and free spirit of the internet might be coming to an end. The author argues that there has been a troubling emergence of overly-dominant companies, such as google, and all too frequent government interventions. I agree that this is a major risk for the well being of the internet since it owes the majority of its success to being unregulated. Accordingly, allowing the internet to be open and unregulated stimulates innovation. Now that these major entities see the immense value of the internet, they want to monetize and regulate it which would be disastrous for the entrepreneurial and connect community that benefits from it daily. Given the history of similar technologies and the internet, the best approach for the future would be to leave the internet an unregulated arena with equal op...

Medium Post - Social Media Zuckerberg’s vision of a completely connected globe is very admirable since he is reframing social media as a “global community.” The article is a bit cynical since Zuckerberg didn't provide extensive details on how to accomplish his vision but in my opinion, his passion and optimism for the future seems like a good predictor of where we can expect the tech giant to direct his efforts. One can argue that this is just a clever ploy to expand Facebook to a more global platform, however, I think it is a good time for someone like Mark Zuckerberg to start talking about and working towards globalization. 

Weekly Medium A good guide on how to make a design portfolio considerate of both the audience and the creator. Plenty of good advice in here.

Functional vs Design Usability

Design principle: Aesthetics  by Anton Nikolov This article distinguishes between functional-usability and design-usability as relating to the design of products of all sorts. Citing that many people will perceive better looking and more aesthetically pleasing products to be of higher value and functionality, even though that may not always be the case. Knowing this however, designers should aim to find the balance between functionality and aesthetics to create a product that is equally visually appealing as it is functional.

A look at the new Samsung S8 The new Samsung phone, the Samsung Galaxy S8  is a fresh change from older models. Getting rid of the button on the phone is a bold move. As a Samsung User, I find it a little intimidating but I am happy to see Samsung make a bold move after the failure of its last phone. The introduction of Bixly is also exciting. Right now Samsung is reliant on google for voice commands, and Ok Google is less than ideal.

4/18/2017 Medium Post

How India saved its internet from greedy corporations Thanks to Febin John James' article on fighting for India's Net Neutrality, the issue has become clearer and where the state of our own country is heading. Telecom providers in India have been working with companies to create separate packages for websites that citizens would have to pay. However, thankfully a group of comedians banded together and used YouTube to inform the public in a way that would get them interested and act fast. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India [TRAI] placed a document containing what they were doing in a small font, heavily disguised portion of their website so that people would be unable to complain. By posting the information within a very short deadline, TRAI hoped to remove Net Neutrality for all its citizens to prevent being stopped. Thankfully, the comedy group All Indian Bakchod was...


Check this out explore the flow of this


This article i related to very strongly because i too hatteee coding . but i enjoy alot of the decision making when it comes to the design process. my dislike for coding had defenetly effected my designing process and my execution. i am more of an abstract thinker so coding forced me to make structured designs.


ive always been good with color, shapes and scale but typography   has been a difficult design process. as an artist shapes ans colors came easy but i always saw text as means for information so picking fints and size was always mediocre. i was very functional but never truly creative with type.

Weekly Medium Post

Medium Post

KENDRICK LAMAR - DAMN. I enjoyed reading this review on Kendrick Lamar's new album and I agree with a lot of the blogger's views on Kendrick's amazing ability to perform like an Athlete in his craft instead of just a Rapper. Kendrick Lamar by far is one of my favorite rappers of all time and listening to his music always makes me dig deeper towards my life and reflect more spiritually on everything I've gone through. Lord knows this life ain't easy but listening to Hip-Hop sometimes makes it easier for me to live my life, because a lot of times the music reflects the shit I go through and helps me cope knowing that I'm not facing these things alone, that I am not the only Nigga in the struggle, and I appreciate that. Kendrick has such amazing talent and sense of ability in creating stories that just hit your soul man, and if you ever are in a place where you feel you can't relate I bet Kendrick can connect with you, as he always has with me. Not a lot of a...

Prototype Design

Here is the design I worked on: And what I found on Codepen: LINK i am not very good at designing, however, after reading this article, i came to the conclusion that i should improve my design capabilities. Because of this i have practiced on my web design in the mean time.

medium post how can we allow the government to do this? the article speaks about the sueing done by twitter towards the government. the government asked twitter to reveal information about a few accounts that were critical of the tump presidency.

medium this article was very intresting as i am a christian by faith. in christianity, the article explains, i go about my life being content with what i do in the service of god, the interesting comparison here is that it is very much similar to that of a videogame.

Medium: Back to Basics

An interesting article on the basic elements of design that are crucial fundamentals for a good product. Many parts are reminiscent of Design Lab.

Medium Post

This article talks about the whitewashing of anime shows turned into hollywood films and the problem with hiring a white cast to play obvious Japanese characters. I think this is a real issue and I do not think you should change the art of an anime especially because there are die hard fans out there who will notice minute details of changes and it will leave a bitter taste in the mouths of these people including the regular core fans of the anime. I believe even if a "white dude" looks so much like the character in the anime that you should not cast him, instead you should try to find a Japanese actor to play the character that looks as much as the character as one can find. I also do not think that you should hire a "white dude" to play even a character in an anime that is supposed to be "white" although this is probably the only exception, the reason for this is because the actual voice actors in these anime shows are usually Japanese since the Art of A...

Medium Post

Simple way to create a portfolio page.

Elon Musk Post

As I’m sure many of us in the digital community know, Elon Musk has done some incredible things in the financial, transportation, and space industry. He seems to have a knack for decentralizing and disrupting industries with groundbreaking companies like Telsa and PayPal, however, it appears he now has his crosshairs set on people’s brains. His proposed idea to revolutionize our ability to interface with the brain sounds incredibly appealing, especially to a college student, but you can’t help but feel uneasy about the idea. Today more than ever people are becoming increasingly concerned with privacy and security. This is a glaring issue that I personally wouldn't be able to get past since we would now be talking about you as a person being hacked rather than your bank account. Pretty scary. Nevertheless, I usually won’t jump to be the first contrarian when it comes to new technology so I’m fairly eager to hear more about why he thinks this a good idea...

Medium Post - 7 future web design trends

If you are interested in web designs check out this article that show you 7 future web design trends.

Medium Post

My idea of UI animation was to just do what looks cool. This article was very informative and made me realize the complexity of it that I didn't think of at all before.

Medium Post

Gentle reminder: Just so you know, I don’t bite. But I   will   bite back. -  Orisirisi This is what the poem reads, just 3 lines and it sparked everything I stand for, in the words of the Greatest Rapper to have ever walked the grounds of this troublesome earth Mr. Tupac (2Pac) Amaru Shakur “I’m not a killer, but don’t push me” and that’s exactly how I feel when I read this poem. I am not a person who “bites” but I swear to god, bite me and I will bite back. I do not fight, but I will FIGHT back. You shit on me, I shit on you. This is why I chose to learn the art of Judo, because it isn’t used to hurt people but instead used to hurt people who chose to hurt you, I don’t think the world should be filled with people who try to hurt other people, but if those people come out of whatever hole they are hiding in, than they will feel their wrath reflected upon them seven fucking fold, cuz real niggas out here ain’t having that shit, and best believe I don’t play th...

Weekly Medium Read- The Essence of Redesign In this Medium post the author shows a few examples of bad website/application redesigns, explains what's wrong with them, and details what to do to make sure your redesign is well-made. It even references a previous medium post I shared about redesigning Instagram! Highlight quote- "The designer probably used these colors because they thought it looked cool. Stop it. Make it because it’s right, because it has meaning, because it will help users solve a problem, or because it will help sell your product. Don’t do it just because it looks cool!"
Awesome background code that i would liek to use but is for money.

Code Pen

Just Play with the numbers

CodePen Find

I stumbled upon a CodePen for a "Fancy Menu Hover effect". It is a nice and understated effect that allows everything to look more professional. I made preliminary changes in order to see about trying the code out on my portfolio website, and will report back by updating this post should it be successful. My menu is vertical rather than horizontal, so it will be a tad more complicated.

Color Wall Codepen
