Midterm update

Here is my portfolio webpage:
-My Goal for the first half of the semester:
     -Refresher on HTML and CSS
     -Build a portfolio page
-I started out by working on the tutorials on codeacademy.
-Planning for Portfolio Page:
     -I first started out by looking at templates on w3schools. The template I looked at was "Architect Template" and "Coming Soon Template"
-I ended up using the Architect Template at first but I did not like how it looks so I went on codepen to look at different styles of nav bar and such and such.
-I was able to find a template I liked and tried to understand the code used on the page.  I was able to figure out how to get the video embedded on the banner of the page.

This is what I have so far:

What I still need to do:

-Need to rerender my contents to put on my page
-Make contents on the page clickable so the image will enlarge or open up a new page.
-Replace background of each page with my personal work


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