Medium Post

I read a very interesting post discussing the way we view the old world, this article points to a lot of things that I have always talked to friends about but they judge me as barbaric for expressing views from the old world. Basically not to sum up the article because if you are interested in the analogies the author makes you can read the article yourself of which I posted below this paragraph, but let me just give an analogy. For example today it is perfectly okay for someone who is 18 years old to date somebody that is like 50 years old but lets say that 18 year old was 16 instead and that 50 year old was 48 (in our country) that is a HUGE problem all of a sudden and by no means acceptable but some miracle thing happens as soon as that person turns 18 that suddenly makes all their decisions age appropriate for hooking up... that doesn't really make much sense but that's the way our society and government thinks. I think dating should be determined by age gaps and not by specific ages. The old world allowed for more flexibility in terms of what was appropriate in our society for dating but now in today's society that is considered inappropriate... is this to say that our ancestors were barbaric and gross? No, our laws are just different but does that make our laws right? Of course not, this is why I think that these kind of laws that deal with age and such should be revised including things like drinking age, smoking age, driving age, etc. The laws on what age you have to be for most things to be "legal" and acceptable doesn't make much sense to me, that is why I think they should be reviewed and revised. Anyway, enough of my rant. Here is a link to the article:


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