Prototyping - A Medium Article

Much of my work over the past few months has been user experience focused at the core, across multiple platforms and use cases. Designing the perfect user experience and implementing it in a great UI requires iteration after iteration, prototype after prototype. Collaboration with the business side and engineering side is essential along the way.

As this Medium article pointed out, prototyping has failed to reach a consensus in the design-business-engineering world. There are a plethora of options, from creating static layouts (think Photoshop) to interactive experiences (think Adobe Experience Design or Sketch3) albeit with limited functionality. As a designer working to quickly turn prototypes into functioning beta products, I find that none of the available options truly maximize the potential for rapid but effective and efficient prototyping.

Thus, I opt for pure HTML/CSS/JS. Until the perfect prototyping software comes along, I find it easier to use web technologies to design prototypes and communicate ideas that ultimately grow into great products.


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