Wave-Front Reconstruction: Lensless Photography

"Light waves are described by
their intensity and frequency; ordinary optical photography records
only the intensity of the waves, not the frequency; yet the frequency
is the information necessary to reconstruct a three-dimensional


I know this is too much to absorb, but it is so amazing to think about a world made of holograms, which is the whole point of what is described in the first paragraph.  
Did you know that in the 1960's an aircraft company in California invented the laser? Well, this is just the beginning of Holograms... later someone else came and used the laser in a modification with an original holographic technique and produced the first successful three dimensional image.

I imagine myself in a world of holograms and it would completely change the perspective of many of the things I am used to, but I am pretty sure that with time, I will get used to it and begin creating in my "design" world new ideas and ways to produce work that looks more real!


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