A comment about sound


I just want to be very clear again that you DO NOT have to add sound to your webpage designs. ONLY if you want to you can explore it and add it if it is in your interest and serves your design.
I gave a list of several javascript libraries to look at and possibly think about for your advanced pages based upon your interests, sound is only one of them.

https://threejs.org/ if you are interested in 3D interactivity

http://processingjs.org/ if you are interested in 2D [mouse movements and design]

https://github.com/jakubfiala/atrament.js  if you like drawing and hand rendering

https://github.com/lsu-emdm/nexusUI/  for interesting UI/UX designs of sliders, buttons, graphs etc. [the example uses audio as an example but it's really about UI/UX]

https://github.com/Tonejs/Tone.js/tree/master/examples if you are interested in adding sound

In addition for modern art practice and edge and advanced study we mentioned

http://nickbriz.com/thenewaesthetic/  that had the crazy photoshop layers and the API examples for Google maps you could extract if that was your interest.

The assignments as such are for you to investigate one [or more] of the libraries that interest you.

But to be clear for your midterm grades:

1.) You are NOT required to add sound to your pages unless it serves your design

2.) You are not even required to add javascript if it does not serve your designs

You're grades will be determined by how your design is executed and in no way requires that you add things that are not in your design. I enjoy sound but you do not have to feel like you have to add it for a good grade in Advanced Web design. My intention is to share with you the Advanced parts of web design and introduce you to techniques and technologies that you should know about, not force you to love sound.

I will also be sending this out to the entire class in an email.



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