
Showing posts from October, 2016

Formative Evaluations

Hi Everyone please download and fill this out, please! This is my first semester at UCONN and i want to sculpt the rest of the semester to address the things you are really interested in learning about Advanced Web Design and help you individually if i can so your designs are as cool as you want them to be and so you get the most out of the course. You can set up a meeting to meet with me so we can devise a plan of study for your final project idea & so that the thing you are making is in line with what YOUR interest, comfort level and career trajectory. I am hopeful you will fill it out so i can work with you to make this course as beneficial to what you need. sincerely, Patrick

Basic things that I think can be helpful

So guys I ended up finding some basic stuff that can help we all, I just decided to share. Although they are not JS hard core, they always kill time. ICONS - Awesome, all kinds of icons, with different shapes, thems and sizes. ALL CSS! Font Awesome - COLOR - This is nothing new, just in case you are experimenting with color. The layout helps a lot. Adobe Color Wheel - DESIGN - We take Google for granted but I didn't know they offer this until this morning. That's deep graphic/motion/brand design. Check the color video! Google Material Design - LITTLE OF EVERYTHING - If you haven't heard of bootstrap yet, that is the time. A library that is consistent and very adaptable. Bunch of hmtl, css & js. Bootstrap - And remember: all of this might become outdated once WebGL conquers the world. Peace, out!  A...

From Here to There: A web app we used to win a Hackathon!

So! Gabe and I went to the New Haven hackathon this weekend and worked with 2 other cool people to build a web app! A photo posted by Emily Serven (@emilyserven) on Oct 15, 2016 at 3:41pm PDT The Project For our project, we built an app called "From Here to There". From Here to There is a trip planning tool that allows users to easily plan and coordinate group activities. The "Organizer" first sets the meetup location (a train station), date, and time. The organizer then gets a link to send to participants with that information filled in. The participants enter their departure location and are given the last train that will get them there on time. The app won a prize for being the best app that incorporated a sponsor (scriptr) service. There's a bunch of things to fix, such as a better user experience and the extended train schedule is pretty funky. Plus, the detect location feature isn't finished yet. But! There was about 29 h...

A comment about sound

Everyone I just want to be very clear again that you DO NOT have to add sound to your webpage designs. ONLY if you want to you can explore it and add it if it is in your interest and serves your design. I gave a list of several javascript libraries to look at and possibly think about for your advanced pages based upon your interests, sound is only one of them.  if you are interested in 3D interactivity  if you are interested in 2D [mouse movements and design]   if you like drawing and hand rendering   for interesting UI/UX designs of sliders, buttons, graphs etc. [the example uses audio as an example but it's really about UI/UX]  if you are interested in adding sound In addition for modern art practice and edge and advanced study we mentioned

This Cadillac webpage is just awesome

I was wondering in the NY Times then I found this page by Cadillac. There are some many features that I thing are the future of web, like the 360 view and the mobile gyroscopic view. It is based on WebGl as we have been studying.

So far according to my portfolio

I found this website scrolling-effects-js- libraries/ which has great examples of .js features that I am trying to incorporate on my portfolio.  This one particularly has potential to show the portfolio items on the website, scroll/ And I am taking the material from my current portfolio http://www.fernando-design. net/ . Is coming together I am working on quick animations using js

More Avenues of Exploration for next week

"If Postmodernism rejects the functionally-driven design of Modernism, the New Aesthetic is a "Semimodernism": it embraces the formal results of functional design but ignores the motivation." - Kyle McDonald  Hello Class Like i shared in class, while we are spending time in studio work i want you to bethinking in parallel about the things i am sharing with you. Whether that takes the form of Threejs tutorials to add interactive 3D to your pages, Processingjs to add ascii code art videos to your sites or incorporating APIs for the aware websites of the new millenium i want you to also at least indulge in the research aspects of Tone.js [Audio for Browsers]and a few mor ethat i want you to investigate and i wil go over in class on Tuesday  "theNewAesthetic.js is an executable-essay / open-source javascript artware-library for quick [re]production of 'New Aesthetic' compositions and related new-media art tr...

Hardware and Software: Expanded Cinema by Gene Youngblood

The similarity of brain and logics to the computer’s hardware and software is a good point on the book Expanded Cinema. In the chapter “Hardware and Software”, the author simplifies the communication between our brain and the machine, noting that the information passed along is translate from thought the programming language. As web designers, we experience this process daily. As front end designers we may not be always in touch with certain languages, but HTML, CSS and JS are the language in which we translate our sense of design. Being fluent in these “languages”, help our brain to turn thoughts into visual elements. The relationship between “our” hardware and software is astonishing. Every time we learn a new subject, language, trick or any simple thing, we are working to “update” the software in our brains. Beyond all this, I believe that we designers have a big responsibility to be updating out knowledge regularly, because technology in general follows a fast paced moderni...

Wave-Front Reconstruction: Lensless Photography

"Light waves are described by their intensity and frequency; ordinary optical photography records only the intensity of the waves, not the frequency; yet the frequency is the information necessary to reconstruct a three-dimensional image" I know this is too much to absorb, but it is so amazing to think about a world made of holograms, which is the whole point of what is described in the first paragraph.   Did you know that in the 1960's an aircraft company in California invented the laser? Well, this is just the beginning of Holograms... later someone else came and used the laser in a modification with an original holographic technique and produced the first successful three dimensional image. I imagine myself in a world of holograms and it would completely change the perspective of many of the things I am used to, but I am pretty sure that with time, I will get used to it and begin creating in my "design" world new ideas and ways to prod...

A Case Study (?) of a JavaScript Problem

This week at work, I ran into a very basic problem that needed to be solved with JavaScript. It involved lots of trial and error, but after 3 hours or so, I finally solved it. I wrote an article on my personal blog detailing my thought processes and research trail, in case anyone is interested: (I also included a bunch of footnotes, so if any jargon is confusing, it should hopefully be explained in those.)