My Introduction - Emily Serven

Hello, I'm Emily Serven. I have decided on web development as my career, and I'm looking forward to furthering my current skill set in this class. For my personal focus in this class, I want to work on a web application that involves JS, an API, a database, and some kind of backend framework or language (PHP? node.js? Ruby? I have no idea right now).

My latest short-term passion project was a game of "Rock, Paper, Scissors" using JavaScript, and my latest long-term passion project is a website to hold documentation ("RefDocs"). My portfolio is located here (the source code is here) and includes my personal blog, which has even more of my thoughts on development and design.


  1. Nice! looks like you have a big passion for what you are doing!

  2. awesome! you're really great at web design so it's cool to know you want to do it for the rest of your life!


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