Induction Into The Advanced Web Design Class (i.e. classmate introduction number ???)

'Ello! I am Daria Yaseva, the fine arts student who just recently shifted from Game Design to 3D Animation concentration. I am currently VERY unexperienced in animation and wish to learn more about it, but currently don't have enough personal time to do so yet. I am pretty good at drawing still life, which I want to put to use in 3D Animation in terms of creating realistic models. On the side, I also want to major in English, do some creative writing, putting ideas together fluidly, all the fun stuff.

As a designer, I want to learn a bit of everything, including web design as it is something with which you can play around and experiment. I definitely want to learn JavaScript seeing how it can solve various of my problems when I had to design my own portfolio the previous semester. I don't have any specific branches of JavaScript that I want to learn at the moment; everything seems to be useful depending on a specific situation or a project.

I deeply - and regrettably - apologize for such an agonizing introduction which I couldn't help but make it long and a bit boring.

Let's have an awesome semester and learn about the art of web design, shall we?


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