Elizabeth "medium post"


I believe that our minds are strong enough to impact our life in ways to determine success or failure. I found this article to be very interesting for that very reason. This article talks about a 10 minute routine that can help with your clarity and creativity.

The routine before going to sleep is the time to clear your mind and write down any thoughts/questions you might have. Focus solely on goals you want to accomplish for 10 minutes. When you go to sleep your subconscious is up coming up with answers to some of your questions.

When you wake up you should try to avoid your phone or any technology for at least 15 minutes. Instead of turning to your phone try to relax and reach the subconscious of your mind in order to access those thoughts.

This can relate to the front end of creating a web page. Sometimes you might feel stuck on what exact content you want on your web page, or what you would like it to look like. These exercises can help you come up with the content and design ideas you've been stressing over.


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