cassie urban 'medium' post

This article was very interesting to me! I'm very passionate about mental health and bringing awareness to the subject, so I was happy to find an article kind of relating to that. The article talks about how the first hour of your day is the most important, and you shouldn't waste it looking on social media/ on technology.

You should spend that first hour of your day really taking 'life' in and appreciating what it has to offer for you instead of distracting yourself on your phone. I definitely have to admit that the first thing I do when I wake up is pick up my phone and look through social media... which classifies me as an "addict" according to the article! (lol)

I think this relates to technology because of how much it influences our lives. When you want to have a positive day, you shouldn't spend that first hour on your phone - even though everyone does!


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