"I don’t belong in tech : Trying to find my place in the place I love, and constantly failing"
The article I choose to write my thoughts on is "I don’t belong in tech : Trying to find my place in the place I love, and constantly failing". As a developing designer and coder, it's comforting to know that you aren't always going to be comfortable creating things. A section of text that stood out to me that was "I sit in last place and watch. So I choke down my values and discomfort and attempt a push of my own, amid the internal screams that this is wrong and irresponsible and how dare I. I don’t get very far. My feeble, half-hearted steps cannot compete with your bold, proud strides. So I cower back to my corner with my broken brain and peep at your success through the leaves." It's super hard to wrap around the concept of "Fail fast and early" concept, so it scares developers into not creating anything. So we often find ourselves comparing ourselves to each other. It's often a comparison that doesn't take into account our own co...